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Trauma informed, culturally sensitive therapy.
For your mind and body.

Improve your mental and physical wellbeing by connecting with world-class clinical psychologists and registered therapists.

man and woman using arian wellbeing on their devices

Arian Wellbeing: Open for bookings today!

Begin Today

The Arian Wellbeing service is officially open for bookings.

Simply click on the "Begin Today" button to gain access to our team of highly qualified and registered experts.

Let's begin your path to wellbeing together!

Waheed's Story

I'm Dr Waheed Arian, former child refugee turned NHS doctor and founder of Arian Wellbeing.

Arian Wellbeing was born from my struggles with anxiety and PTSD, which stemmed from the immense hardship of my past.

Speaking to a psychologist gave me the tools I needed to overcome my trauma.

Today I want to help others receive the same life-changing support. It worked for me, it can work for you too.

Photograph of Dr Waheed Arian

Connect straight to a psychologist

Speak to a qualified expert, not a bot. Receive a mental health assessment from the UK’s best clinical psychologists. Whatever your route to wellbeing, they will oversee the process start to finish.

Therapy for your mind and body

Treatment is tailored to address your mind and body’s needs. We’ll provide you with psychological guidance, supported by fitness and nutrition plans.

It’s trauma informed

Whether it’s excess stress at work or a complex mental health issue like an anxiety disorder or PTSD, we’ve got you covered. Our clinical psychologists and licensed therapists are highly-qualified and trauma-informed.

It’s culturally matched

Our experts are trained to provide culturally sensitive therapy that takes into account your unique background, beliefs, and values.

Begin Today

How it works

Science has shown us that the mind and body are intrinsically linked, and we’ve created a unique service to reflect this. Now you can access mental and physical health therapies in four simple steps:

  1. Choose your pathway.

    Choose between mental and physical therapy.

  2. Connect to an expert.

    Complete a short questionnaire in minutes and connect straight to a clinical psychologist or personal trainer by video or phone call.

  3. Receive your assessment.

    Receive your personalised mental/physical health assessment with detailed steps on how to improve your mental and physical wellbeing.

  4. Start your therapy.

    Our clinical psychologists match you to one of our registered, accredited and experienced therapists based on your personal needs and background.

For organisations

We work with charities, local authorities, health and social care institutions, and private organisations, to provide trauma-informed psychological and exercise therapies that rapidly improve group mental and physical wellbeing. If you'd like to partner with us, please contact us

Group sessions led by lived experience

Our organisation is led by people with lived experience of trauma. This experience, alongside a clinically proven mind-body approach led by some of the best psychologists in the UK, enables us to provide group therapy sessions that build a compassionate, trauma-informed understanding at all levels of an organisation. We offer lived experience seminars, group therapy sessions, group exercise sessions with personal trainers, and so much more.

Individual Interventions

We offer access to high quality assessments and 1-1 interventions led by one of our specialist clinical psychologists and therapists.

Case Study:

We worked with Cheshire West and Chester Council in summer 2023, offering trauma-informed and clinically-driven mind-body therapies to Afghan refugees living in temporary accommodation. Through lived experience seminars, group therapy sessions led by clinical psychologists, and targeted physical exercise support from personal trainers, we were able to improve the physical and mental wellbeing of X% of the group. All adults undertaking the group sessions opted for further 1-1 support with clinical psychologists and/or a personal trainer

We also worked with council staff, offering tailored 1-1 sessions that increased understanding of the psychological needs of the client group, and bolstered staff capacity to provide trauma-informed care to vulnerable populations without the risk of vicarious traumatisation.

NHS support:

Our work is supported by National Healthcare Inequalities Improvement Programme, NHS England, for its alignment with the NHS Core20PLUS5 approach, to reduce healthcare inequalities in mental and cardiovascular health for the 20% most deprived populations.

Media coverage of our work

Our work with local authorities has attracted wide national reception see here.

Questions & Answers

Mental Wellbeing

What you'll get

  • Qualified Clinical Psychologist
  • Qualified accredited therapist
  • Personalised mental health assessment
  • Trauma-informed
  • Culturally sensitive

Physical Wellbeing

What you'll get

  • Qualified Personal Trainer
  • Personalised fitness and nutrition plan
  • Mental health informed

Our Experts

Arian Wellbeing is an online mental health provider, made up of a team of highly qualified and diverse professionals who are passionate about helping others. We know that with the right support, tools and guidance, anyone can unlock their potential and start living life on their terms.

Dr Cressida Gaffney

Clinical Psychologist

Dr Yaman Alqadri

Clinical Psychologist

Andy Royle

Personal Trainer

Our Community

We believe in looking outwards, adopting a daily practice of selflessness. Evidence clearly shows the benefits to our mental wellbeing that come with helping others.

Join us for our exclusive monthly zoom conversation between Dr Arian and one of our wellbeing experts

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Research shows that Covid-19 infection increases risk of mental health disorders. The pandemic has also accentuated a multitude of difficulties - physical health problems, increased stress, social isolation, financial hardship and coping with changes and loss. After the pandemic that has challenged us all in so many ways, we want to help you get your life back.